Meet The Enterprise Battle Bridge Crew


TerrenceBudnik Terrence Budnik as James T. Kirk

Terrence Budnik grew up in the suburbs of Chicago with his family and friends that he thanks for their constant support and guidance. He is also a graduate from Illinois State University with a Bachelor of Science where he studied Theatre. This is Terrence’s first production since moving to Los Angeles and he is very happy to have this opportunity.  He truly hopes to pay justice to the role of Captain James T. Kirk, as originated by William Shatner.  What an opportunity!!!


Christopher Yu

Christopher is an amazing talent from the Orange County area.  Currently a Junior at Cal State Fullerton, Chris, a member of the Actor’s Coalition Network of Los Angeles, joins the cast and crew of Star Trek Battle Bridge: Aroana Infliction as Captain James T. Kirk.

Paster_TheatricalDavid Paster as Spock

Born outside of Boston and raised in San Francisco, David has always found a home in justifying the absurd. A dreamer in a logicians body, the tether in all of his work is heart and honesty. Though his first love was acting, he ran away to writing because it allowed him the actors dream: to play all the roles, the freedom to practice his craft anywhere, and a time machine to revisit any moment at any time. USCʼs School of Cinematic Arts picked up on David’s potential for heartfelt storytelling, and he graduated with a BFA in Writing for Screen and Television in 2011. The following year, he was invited onto the writing staff for NBCʼs Siberia (summer, 2013), where he received his first primetime Network writing credit for episode 1×5. But along the way, he felt like something was missing. After answering a Craigslist posting, David ended up on daytime television where the casting director set him up with his first scene study professor. There, David took the stage as both an actor and a spoken word poet, and the performer side of him was back. Since realizing his role as both the writer and the performer, David has been dedicating himself to the pursuit each and every day. Now wearing a Producers hat as well, he is committed to bringing life-changing storytelling to screens and stages big and small, for he believes that “art dictates culture, and not the other way around.”  David has been an associate of the Actors Coalition Network of Los Angeles since 2013. He is currently the 1st Vice President of the organization.

Adam Gold

Adam Gold as Spock

Adam Gold began his entertainment career during college as a stunt cowboy at a Wild West show in his hometown of Tucson, Arizona. He graduated from the University of Arizona magna cum laude with a triple major in Political Science, Psychology, and Creative Writing, and plans of attending law school.  Much to his parents’ chagrin, however, the director of the show pushed him to pursue professional acting as a career, and after a great deal of research on the process, Adam began building his resume and his abilities. After landing lead roles in several Arizona films, he was able to catch the          attention of The Polygon Group and made his move to California to coincide with the filming of his first LA feature, What’s Eating Todd. Since his arrival, he has portrayed several leading and supporting roles in film and television, and continues to be very fortunate in the in the industry. Randall Gray’s Star Trek Battle Bridge: Aroana Infliction marks Adam’s  stage debut since the stunt show, and growing up with Star Trek always on his father’s television, he feels a very special connection to this show in particular. Adam is thrilled to be a part of the production, and is hoping his hard work and dedication will do justice to the legendary Mr. Spock and his alter ego, Leonard Nimoy.

Zach Sandberg

Zach Sandberg as Dr. Leonard McCoy “Bones”

Zach graduated summa cum laude from Pepperdine University with Degrees in Theatre and    Spanish.  While there, he performed in a wide array of shows, ranging from ‘Xanadu’ to ‘The Kentucky Cycle’.  His acting roots are in Shakespeare; as a young man he traveled from one town to another on the East Coast with several summer tours, setting up camp by day and performing by night.  He has performed professionally in Los Angeles at the Academy of New Musical Theatre, Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum, has played Romeo in a production of the Bard’s classic at the ACME Theatre, and recently debuted here at The Stages of Gray Theatre Company in the original musical ‘Ready For The Storm’ in the leading role of Bobby, as well as ‘The Lake House Project’ as Christopher Devlin.  He is fulfilled and energized in creating original             art work here at Stages of Gray Theatre Company, which is what lead him to serve as the Assistant Director for their recent production of ‘Hollywood Façade’.  An active associate and 2nd Vice President of the Actor’s Coalition Network, Zach is thrilled to be intricately in the film project they are working on now, ‘Who Among Us’ expected to be released in 2015.  Zach is very excited to be taking on such an iconic part in what is a pioneering stage production for both the Star Trek franchise and the Actors Coalition Network of Los Angeles.      

Dax Spanogle

Dax Spanogle as Dr. Leonard McCoy “Bones”

Dax Spanogle is an actor, writer, and director from Virginia.  He briefly acted as a child in plays such as A Midnight Summer’s Dream and Mary Poppins and had the pleasure of studying Shakespeare in Oxford.  He started acting again and writing scripts in Michigan three years ago and made his directorial debut a month ago.  He has played an alcoholic Cupid (yes you read that right), a bumbling detective with a hamster for a sidekick (a comedy), and a militant villain                (not a comedy).  When he’s not playing a doctor, not to be confused with a physicist or anything else, he writes all genres of scripts, acts, plays with his cats Captain and Indiana, and goes on adventures because let’s face it, if you don’t go on adventures, life can’t be one.

Timothy Driscoll

Timothy Driscoll as Lt. Commander Data

Born in Norwich, CT. He began his acting career in Boston, MA before moving to Los Angeles. Currently studies with Nikolai Guzov and Don Phillip Smith. Has acted in numerous independent film projects including ‘Mother’s Red Dress’, ‘The Toy Soldiers’, and ‘Beneath Existence’.

Ronnie Bartimus

Rolland Bartimus as Lt. Commander Data

Rolland “Ronnie” Bartimus was born and raised in Orange County. Growing up, Ronnie was always an active kid and often spent his free time playing sports, like wrestling and volleyball, exploring the city, or simply getting into mischief.  Although Ronnie liked Orange County, he always knew that this was not where he was destined to be.  Deep down, Ronnie had a dream of becoming an actor.  Midway through high school, Ronnie left Orange County to live with his dad in Texas.  This move allowed Ronnie to work as well as get a different perspective outside the world he knew in Orange County. While in Texas, Ronnie was able to work and save money and after graduating high school he took the next step in his acting career by moving to Hollywood.  In order to help hone his talents, Ronnie auditioned and was accepted to the                  American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After his first year at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Ronnie landed his first feature film role and has since continued to work hard to break into the industry.

Raven Maxile

Raven Maxile as Lt. Nyota Uhura

Raven Maxile is delighted to be performing in her first production. She graduated from Northwestern State University and later moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting. Enjoy the show Trekkies!

Andi Hester

Andi Hester as Lt. Nyota Uhura

Andi Hester is a half-Chinese actress, host, and musician. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Andi attended UCLA where she majored in Global Studies and Mandarin Chinese. After graduating, she flew to Beijing on a one-way ticket and worked as a travel show host, using both English and Mandarin Chinese. While in China, she was also featured in commercials and television programs. Now back in Los Angeles, she continues to pursue her love of acting with hopes of one day acting in co-productions between the US and China.

Justin Jung

Justin H. Jung as Lt. Hikaru Sulu

Justin started acting during his sophomore year of college when forced to take an introductory course to fulfill his general education requirements. He then changed his major forthwith and without hesitation and began to take every performance class he could fit into his schedule; eventually graduating with a B.A. in Theatre Arts and playing Touchstone in           Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Since graduating, Justin has pursued acting full time while working various side jobs. He has since been appeared in a commercial for Google Chromecast. And most recently, lead the short film Sword of Honor as Hiro for Hallmark SpiritClips.

Andio Manguray

Andio Manguray as Lt. Hikaru Sulu

Andio Manguray studies at the USC: School of Dramatic Arts. He is extremely grateful to have discovered the Actor’s Coalition Network of Los Angeles and is entirely ecstatic to be a part of this exciting production. Andio has always been a Sci-Fi man, so this show was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he could not turn down. Other roles he’s portrayed are: Peter Pan (Peter Pan),Barnaby Tucker (Hello, Dolly!)Paul Singer (Moon Over Buffalo), and Sky Masterson (Guys           & Dolls).  He would like to dedicate this performance to his family and friends, including his YouTube subscribers. ( Live long and prosper! Oh, and sorry in advance for the whiplash. Enjoy!

Sean Bowe

Sean Bowe as Lt. Pavel Chekov

Sean Bowe is an actor new to Los Angeles and very eager to join the cast of Star Trek Battle Bridge: Aroana Infliction.  Sean attended The Perpich Center for Arts Education in Minneapolis studying theatre.  After moving to Los Angeles he joined the Actors Coalition Network under the leadership of Randall Gray.  This is Sean’s first production under the direction of Mr. Gray and with The Stages of Gray company.

Aaron Stall

Aaron Stall as Lt. Pavel Chekov

Aaron Stall was raised on the Sci Fi Channel back before they changed the “i”s to “y”s. He has been screaming for attention ever since he came out of the womb. Aaron is thrilled to be a part of this production. He has fond memories of being a little kid wearing PJs before bed with The Next Generation playing. He would wait at the threshold of his parents’ bedroom for Picard to finish his opening “Space…” intro and the ship to power up and go whoosh. There, he would    race and dive at warp speed onto his parents’ bed in time with the star ship Enterprise. Aaron has been in numerous plays as well as film and TV, notably: Randy Trombone on Victorious, Young John in “Our Father” with Michael Gross, as well as being the lead in “Private War”, a film that appeared at the Cannes’ Festival. Aaron would like to thank Randall and the Stages of Gray Theatre for providing him this opportunity to live out his fantasy of crewing the USS Enterprise. He looks forward to an exceptional run of the show and the support of the Trekkie and fellow geek community. It takes species of all kinds to put this “enterprise” together. Thank you!

Lionel Christoph

Lionel Christoph as Montgomery Scott “Scotty”

As a new addition to the Actors Coalition Network, Lionel will join us for his first performance at our theatre with Star Trek Battle Bridge. His most recent project was a commercial for Greentag Clothing, where he played a businessman, and really loved the experience on set. He’s also been cast in a number of short films and student projects around Los Angeles, and has found the entertainment industry to be both enjoyable and challenging as a young new actor. Lionel is very passionate about the art of theatre, and hopes that one day he can use his artistic capabilities to influence society on an emotional and social level. He spends his time writing, playing his guitar and getting lost in the trails of Yosemite as personal hobbies. Lionel is an undergraduate student studying Economics with a minor in Film Studies at the University of Southern California, and is very excited to be a part of the Actors Coalition Network and learn more about the industry over the future.

Sean Gassaway

Sean Gassaway as Montgomery Scott “Scotty”

Sean Gassaway was born in California but raised in Alaska he has recently moved back to California after an eventful life to peruse a life-long dream of being an actor. Sean is currently going to LAPC and perusing a degree in theater. This is Sean Gassaway’s very first theater performance. He would like to thank his Parents for being so supportive of his goals and aspirations. Sean would also like to thank Randall Gray, and the Actors Coalition Network of Los Angeles for this unbelievable opportunity.       

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