About the Producing Company


Star trek Battle Bridge – Aroana Infliction is produced by the Actors Coalition Network of Los Angeles. A federally approved 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation dedicated to assisting young entertainment industry hopefuls with shelter, support, training, guidance, and motivation to achieve their dreams.

Many of those involved with the Actors Coalition Network (ACN) are legally recognized as homeless. Several struggle each and every day to find appropriate sustenance, but all of them have dedicated themselves to being the very best that they can possibly be as entertainers. The mission is massive, “change the world even if it is only one person at a time”. The cause is astronomical, “affect the lives of others for the better and in doing so change their own”.

The ACN group is dedicated to helping solid, intelligent, hard-working, genuine people be even more by bringing them together as a family, and together helping one another make through it the storms of the industry. The community that is developed by this group of determined individuals is something many of them have never known, and most have not understood or seen since being in their own families.

Like Star Trek (and all things Star Trek, owned exclusively by Paramount and CBS), this group of individuals from every possible walk of life has come together to form something of a family for themselves. They have found ways to help support one another with shelter, work, education, and comradeship. What better production for them to launch into together than a tribute of the amazing work of Gene Roddenberry with a stage version of Star Trek.

“Boldly Going Where No One Has Gone Before”….The Actors Coalition Network of Los Angeles.

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