About Star Trek Battle Bridge – Aroana Infliction


The former crew of the Enterprise has been retired and or moved to a battle battalion ship. Being a ship of exploration, with weaponry only to defend itself in the direst of circumstances, the Enterprise has been outfitted with a new crew. Fresh from academy for the most part, this new crew has been given the directive to seek out new civilizations and groups of humanoids at the farthest reaches of the galaxy. This is until they are caught, while in hyper drive, in the middle of a random space particulate storm and thrown light years from their destination. Here, unable to reach the rest of the Federation or any of the Federation of Planets representatives, they must forge new friendships and prepare themselves for what appears to be more than a lifetime of travel to return home to Earth.

The young crew has already seen a number of space anomalies and unexpected sites in their travels, but has not encountered other beings in the past seven months of their time in deep space. Not even their newest crew member – literally new to all of them, the only one none of them new even existed prior to being placed on the ship – Commander Data, in charge of Security, has any knowledge of this side of the galaxy. Will they make it through the vast unknown to survive and thrive together as a new family? The crew manning the ship is very small, outside of those who man the bridge; there are only some 300 humanoids on board. How will they make it? Believing it best to be ready for any circumstance, Commander Data has yet again set an emergency drill taking the Captain, First Officer, Linguist, Chief Medical Officer, and himself the Security Officer to the Battle Bridge of the Enterprise.

They receive a deep space distress call from someone calling themselves Aroana. Having no idea what he is getting himself into, but truly tired of doing what he deems as nothing, James T. Kirk, the ship’s captain sets off to answer the call for help. True intrigue and desperation will be felt by all before this experience is over, and what lies ahead will change them all.

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